School Enrichment Classes
We bring the dojo to you!
No martial arts experience necessary
Exposure to something NEW
All necessary equipment included
Hassle free for the location
Affordable and Convenient for parents
Exercise and self-confidence!


AGES 3-5
Young Ninjas is designed to teach preschool children basic martial arts skills in a creative, fun, and safe environment. New skills, physical fitness, and lots of fun each class.
Minimum: 6 kids per class
Maximum: 12 kids per class

AGES 5-10
Young Ninjas is designed to teach and introduce children in grades K-3rd martial arts in a creative, fun, and safe environment. New skills, physical fitness, and lots of fun each class.
60 minute class, run weekly
Minimum: 6 kids per class
Maximum: 14 kids per class
What does each class entail?
We incorporate values of traditional martial arts in a creative and fun manner. Our drills and games are martial arts or sports-focused, designed to hide repetition, in order to maximize enjoyment for each child. Children also gain knowledge and build muscle memory, laying the foundation for any martial art style, should they decide to continue outside of class when graduating from Young Ninjas. All materials included!

Each class begins with a fun and active warm up and a short review from the previous week.

Children will learn real martial arts techniques like blocks, punches, and kicks. “Ki-yah!”

Challenges help with coordination, motor skills, and balance and are just plain FUN.
— The Willows
— Sharon Varnell, Enrichment Coordinator at St. Monica Elementary School
— Janelle Jones , Owner California Wiz Kids Preschool